You always show me the path of life. You will fill me with joy when I am with you. You will make me happy forever at your right hand. —Psalm 16:11 NIrV

God has made known to us the path of genuine, abundant life. That means we don’t need to figure it all out on our own, because he’s paved the way in front of us. Every day we simply put one foot in front of the other. We are like the Israelites crossing the Red Sea, taking step after step in faith that the waters will stay parted and the ground will be dry.

Along this path, in his presence, there’s fullness of joy. When the hard things come around, there’s that choice to stay on the path, to put one foot in front of the other, to find joy in the midst of the chaos, to find his presence there with us.

At the end of the film The Bucket List, one of the characters is passing away and he says, “I’m just going to ask you to do one more thing for me. Find the joy in your life.” We can find the joy by taking those persistent steps of trust with God by our side.

Food for Thought: God has fully given us joy in his presence; right next to him are pleasures forevermore.