By: April O’Neil

One of the most powerful philosophies enveloped in The Daniel Plan lifestyle is adopting a spirit of grace and pace for your journey.  With love as the overarching motivation, no longer swayed by guilt or shame, you are encouraged to live each day in a way that honors God and allows you to take things a step at a time.  The Daniel Plan lifestyle does not resemble a diet by any means; rather it is a holistic program, with faith as the foundation; offering you practical solutions to usher health into every area of your life.

If you have a setback, it doesn’t have to throw you off course.  Simply consider it learning. Ask yourself why it happened.  As you discover the “why”, you will realize what you initially perceived as a failure is simply an opportunity for a comeback.  You humbly offer yourself a dose of grace as you reframe your perspective and set the pace for the coming days.

By using grace and pace as a framework for your journey, the undue pressure of seeking perfection vanishes.  You learn to love yourself as you make progress and reflect on God’s unfailing and abundant love for you.

Psalm 33:22

Psalm 118:1