Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. —Philippians 2:5 NIV

Changing your health habits is like driving a speedboat on a lake with your autopilot set to go east. If you want to reverse course, you could try to physically force the wheel in the opposite direction, but you would likely get tired and let go, and the boat would drift back.

There is a better option: Change your autopilot. Your mind is your autopilot, and the best way to change your habits for the long term is to change the way you think. You need a new mindset, the mindset of Christ.

Through his Holy Spirit and the Word of God, God gives us “divine power to demolish strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4). Strongholds are deeply rooted ways of thinking, and they can be demolished when we meditate on God’s Word and ask God to help us replace lies with truth. We can ask, “Father, what would Jesus think about this matter?” Or, “Lord, please show me the false things I believe that are getting in the way of my health and growth.”

Food for Thought: If we immerse ourselves in God’s Word, the mindset of Christ will free us to change our autopilot and change our lives.